New Beginnings
All I can say today is I’m excited. I’m excited by the prospects a new year brings. I’m excited by the possibilities, by the goodness that’s up ahead. I’m excited about the world and what I see before me. I’m excited about 2011.
As I close out 2010 I look back at the crazy adventures I had and all that I learned. To those who say people don’t change I say, “Yes they do.” Because I have changed. The people around me have changed. But I didn’t change unassisted. I didn’t change because I wrestled myself to the ground. I changed because I opened myself up to something greater than myself. I allowed the space for change to happen. I think it’s the same thing with other people and with the world writ large. We allow transformation to happen.
I think for another world to manifest it’s not so much doing battle with ourselves or with each other but rather being open. Clearing out the wreckage of our past and allowing for new growth. Because I promise, if we let it, something great will swoop in. I see that in my own life and in the lives of others and it excites me. I see beauty and love and goodness and serenity and peace. I see happiness and joy and laughter. I see so much.
So as we ring in this new year let’s keep dreaming our dreams. Let’s keep seeing the good things. Let’s keep cleaning up our messes and allow something greater than ourselves to work through us. Let us allow a new world to come into being because I know it’s there, waiting in the wings.
Another world is not only possible, it’s probable.