Another World Is Still In The Making

I’d like to take this time and celebrate the fact this blog is more than a year old. And while I already wrote a post on AWIP’s birthday, I’d also like to take this moment for reflection.

When I started writing the tenor of this blog focused on the external world, how a new world is in the making as evidenced by the surge in environmentalism, yoga and meditation. As the year progressed my focus started to shift and I started to realize the external world is merely a reflection of the internal one.

So while I do still believe another world is in the making as shown by San Francisco passing mandatory composting laws, Barack Obama being the president of the United States, etc. what I see more of is the internal shift. As I look around me I see more and more people waking up to the power of their own minds. I see more and more people recognizing their own autonomy, their part to play in life’s drama. As I look around me I see all these light beings stepping out of the fog, rising up to meet their true potential.

It’s as true today as it was a year ago – another world is not only possible, it’s probable. It’s probable because more people are joining the revolution, more people are tapping into their power, more people are awakening their hearts and minds, realizing not only do they wish to see another world but they can manifest it. I say another world is probable because the spider’s web of consciousness is threading us together, bringing us closer and closer to each other and to the Divine. I say another world is probable because I see it both within me and around me.

Thanks for staying with me on this journey as we all come to realize another world is not only possible, it’s probable.

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1 comment… add one
  • Anonymous Sep 1, 2009, 4:38 am

    I needed to read this so bad. It came to my attention when I typed in I want the truth in knowing my Creator. I enjoyed this to the fullest. I can now say without doubt that I am greatness. Because greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world. He breath into my nose the breath of life there for I became a living soul. I was created in His likeness. I love this so much please stay in touch.

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